Hawaii’s QUEST Integration is a Department of Human Services (DHS), Med-QUEST Division (MQD) comprehensive section 1115 (a) demonstration that expands Medicaid coverage to children and adults originally implemented on August 1, 1994. The demonstration created a public purchasing pool that arranged for health care through capitated-managed care plans. In 1994, the MQD converted approximately 108,000 recipients from three public funded medical assistance programs into the initial demonstration including 70,000 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC-related) individuals; 19,000 General Assistance program individuals (of which 9,900 were children whom the MQD was already receiving Federal financial participation); and 20,000 former MQD funded SCHIP program individuals.
QUEST Integration is a continuation and expansion of the state’s ongoing demonstration that is funded through Title XIX, Title XXI and the State. QUEST Integration uses capitated managed care as a delivery system unless otherwise indicated. QUEST Integration provides Medicaid State Plan benefits and additional benefits (including institutional and home and community-based long-term-services and supports) based on medical necessity and clinical criteria to beneficiaries eligible under the state plan and to the demonstration populations. The current extension period began on October 1, 2013.
Hawaii Medicaid combined QUEST (families and children) with QUEST Expanded Access (QExA - aged, blind and disabled) and implemented as QUEST Integration in Jan 2015.