Independence, Dignity, Choice

Transitioning individuals from hospitals, nursing facilities, and ICF-ID to community settings

749 Successful Transitions Since 2009!

The Going Home Plus (GHP) project helps residents who have been living in hospitals, nursing facilities, and ICF/ID facilities move back into the community. For those residents who choose to live in the community, the GHP project will assist in finding housing (if the resident does not have a home to return to) and services (for example, help with cooking and bathing).

Individuals from all islands are eligible to participate.

The Going Home Plus (GHP) project is funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration grant through June 30, 2020. The project is a partnership between the Hawaii Department of Human Services Med-Quest Division and the University of Hawaii Center on Disability Studies.

Success Stories

“Be independent. Do things for self and not depend on others. I know what I need. Everything is perfect! I do what I like, I go where I like. I enjoy life! If I die, I will die happy. I’m 100% better than where I was.” In sharing about the Going Home Plus project, he replied, “real good. When I ask for help, they were there to help. Was not told you no can do this, you no can do that. You listen.”

Success Story Image - Participant



“I’m happy. My peace of mind is back. I want to continue my peace in myself. I can go under the banyan tree and enjoy the breeze.” In relation to Going Home Plus, “I love you folks because of the services you did for me. You showed personal caring in working with me. I am thankful that I am associated with you and organization. You don’t tell me what to do, we share and talk story.

Success Story Image - Participant



Participant: “I am happy to be back together with my family. I tried to do the things I used to do like exercise. I wanted to go back to church. Everyone at church was happy to see me again.”
Spouse: “I was hesitant and scared having him go home without a leg as it was a new life changing experience. Services and equipment were delivered which made it easier and more comfortable. The hospital gave up, but with the services and therapy, he is able to stand and transfer from bed to (wheel)chair and continues to make progress."

Success Story Image - Participant


Participant & Spouse

“I don’t want to be sick and thought I was going to pass away over there (nursing facility). I want to be healthy and visit friends and show everybody I’m still alive! I feel better. When I came out of the hospital, I tried to do my own stuff. I shower myself, I cook, exercise every day. I lost 61 pounds. I can go shopping when I want to. We go down to do the laundry. I’m very happy.”

Success Story Image - Participant



“It’s a lot better living on my own than being cared by someone else. I feel so much happier. I feel like I accomplished something. It’s a better life as I can eat what I want and I get to spend time with my son. If you had a chance to be on your own…take it.”

Success Story Image - Participant



“Going Home Plus really changed my life as it allowed me to have help when I had no help. Hospitalization only takes you so far. After than you need a team to help you get through to the final recovery stage that you probably want to be. With family and Hawaiian Going Home Plus, it works as a solid team to surround you with help in every effort you need with transportation, food…I mean I as even offered new housing if I could not handle the situation I was in, so this has been a very good….Godsend for me to be in this project.”

Success Story Image - Participant



“It’s really key and important to gain independence. You have to be your own social worker. The project has helped definitely…definitely opened doors for independence. It’s definitely opened doors for opportunity for housing, for apartments and you would not believe the simple fact of filling out a form would stop a guy like me dead in my tracks. Going Home Plus has also been helpful in negotiating when housing is not adequate and the promptness of addressing it when I as kinda being ignored…that was extremely, extremely helpful.”

Success Story Image - Participant


Damon's Story

Damon's Skydiving Video​

|  Contact Information



(808) 692-8166 or 524-3370
Neighbor Islands (toll free):
Deaf or hard of hearing: (V/TT)
(808) 692-7182
Neighbor Islands (toll free):

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