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Koan Inc. is the contractor that manages the SHOTT program. Out of 37 referrals made from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017, 18 SHOTT members received transplants. During this period, the SHOTT program was able to provide the following transplants: Stem Cell 10, Heart 2, Kidney 2, Liver 4. among with those who succesfully received transplants, 5 members disenrolled from the SHOTT program (1 has moved to another state, 4 passed away) and 15 are still awaiting transplants. The SHOTT program helps innumerous patients from all ages, the youngest patient to receive a liver transplant was 9 months old while the oldest patient who received a stem cell transplant was 72 years old.
Here are the 37 referrals broken down by type of transplant:
“We at transplant really have to thank you for being so responsive to all of our requests for transplant.....especially ones that are emergencies, in house, at the last minute, etc. We could not serve these patients without your support ......and timely responses.” -- Dr. Linda Wong, Hawaii Transplant Surgeon.
On January 31, 2015, a team of surgeons successfully implanted a heart in 17 month-old Jahaziel Faualo from Hawaii in Rady Children Hospital in San Diego. “When we got the call that a donor heart was available, it was scary and exciting at the same time. We knew eventually she would get a new heart. We just didn’t expect it to be this soon.”- Mac Faualo, Father.