Community Integration Services (CIS)

What is Community Integration Services (CIS)?
CIS is a program administered by the Hawaii Department of Human Services Med-QUEST Division, which aims to support the objectives of the Medicaid program by improving health outcomes for Medicaid members who need housing. Specifically, the CIS program will provide Pre-Tenancy and Tenancy Services that support Medicaid members to be successful tenants in housing that is owned, rented, or leased to the member.

The goals of CIS are to:

  • Support the member’s transition to housing
  • Increase long-term stability in housing in the community
  • Avoid future periods of homelessness and institutionalization for members

The latest CIS memo(s) are found here.

Who is the target population for the CIS program?
There are three primary target populations:

  • Homeless individuals
  • Individuals at risk of homelessness (e.g. eviction)
  • Individuals transitioning from institutions back to the community who do not have housing

What is the CIS eligibility?
Those eligible for CIS are enrolled in a QUEST Integration (QI) health and be QI members eighteen (18) years of age or older who meet at least one health need criteria, and at least one risk criteria (e.g. homelessness, at-risk of homelessness, or frequent and/or lengthy stays in an institution).

How do I send in a CIS referral?
To send in a referral, please complete a CIS Referral Form (latest CIS forms found on the Provider Forms website, search on “CIS Referral”) and submit it to the member’s QUEST Integration (QI) health plan for review. Anyone can make a referral to the CIS program.


What are some examples of tenancy support services that may be provided through CIS?
Examples of tenancy support services include activities such as:

  • Coaching on development/relationship building and maintenance of relationships between landlords and property managers
  • Assisting with dispute resolution between member and landlords or neighbors
  • Connecting to advocacy groups to prevent eviction
  • Assisting member through the housing recertification process
  • Maintaining and updating housing support and crisis plans for the member
  • Securing health care coordination linkages with the health plan
  • Housing crisis management, and providing training and education related to financial literacy.

These are just some examples should not be considered to be an exhaustive list.

What should I do if my organization would like to be a CIS provider with the QUEST Integration (QI) health plans?

  1. Your organization needs to apply to be a Medicaid provider with the Med-QUEST Division (MQD) by submitting an application through the online HOKU Provider Enrollment system
  2. Your organization needs to contract directly with one or all five QI health plans

What is HOKU and how can I enroll as a Medicaid provider?
HOKU (Hawaii’s Online Kahu Utility) is the Provider Enrollment system for MQD. For information about how to enroll as a Medicaid provider in HOKU:

  • Click on the “Training” tab on the HOKU website.
  • Use this presentation to help guide you through the HOKU enrollment for CIS
  • E-Mail [email protected] for assistance with navigating HOKU
  • Call HOKU customer support at 1-833-909-3630

How do I learn more about the CIS program, including how to become a CIS provider?
For more information, please send an e-mail to [email protected]