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The Supportive Housing program is designed to promote the development of supportive housing and supportive services to assist homeless persons in transitioning from homelessness, and to promote the provision of supportive housing to enable homeless persons to live as independently as possible. (HUD)
Person-centered planning is a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that an older adult or person with a disability may need to live in the community. Most important, it is a process that is directed by the person who receives the support.
PCP helps the person construct and articulate a vision for the future, consider various paths, engage in decision-making and problem solving, monitor progress, and make needed adjustments in a timely manner. It highlights individual responsibility, including taking appropriate risks (for example, whether arranging for back-up staff is needed). Emergency planning is often part of the process.
The PCP approach identifies the person’s strengths, goals, medical needs, needs for home- and community-based services, and desired outcomes. The approach also identifies the person’s preferences in areas such as recreation, transportation, friendships, therapies and treatments, housing, vocational training and employment, family relationships, and social activities. Unique factors such as culture and language also are addressed. (Administration for Community Living)
(808) 692-8166 or 524-3370
Neighbor Islands (toll free):
Deaf or hard of hearing: (V/TT)
(808) 692-7182
Neighbor Islands (toll free):