The Medicare Savings Program provides assistance with Medicare costs to four groups of Medicare beneficiaries. The benefits provided by the program depends on the beneficiary group. The four groups are:
All Medicare Savings Program recipients must meet the following requirements:
Be eligible for Medicare
Be a Hawaii resident
Be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant residing in the U.S. for 5 years or longer;
Provide proof of their identity;
Provide a Social Security Number;
Not reside in a public institution
Assets not exceeding $6,600 for one, $9,910 for a couple, and $500 for each
dependent family member
The asset limits for the four groups are as follows:
QMB, SLMB, and QI-l: not exceeding $6,600 for an individual, $9,910 for a
couple, and $500 for each additional legally dependent family member
QDWI: not exceeding $4,000 for an individual, $6,000 for a couple, and $500 for
each additional legally dependent family member
The QWDI group must also meet the following requirements:
Be under age 65
Lost Social Security disability insurance payments because of earned income