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How, When, and Where to Submit Files
Electronic claims submissions will be accepted for the current day’s test processing between 6:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Arizona Standard Time (AST). Please note this is three (3) hours ahead of Hawaii Due to the new file naming standards, trading partners will be able to submit multiple batches per day.

The file should be placed in – FTP/XXXXX/CLAIMS/ECSIN or ECSOUT/TEST, where xxxxx = the trading partner’s 5-digit submitter-ID. Since this is the same FTP server as production, please double check to make sure to place all test files in the TEST folder. Under the TEST folder, ECSIN is used for inbound transactions, such as the 837 and ECSOUT is used for outbound transactions, such as the 835. This process mirrors current production procedures.

What to Expect in Response
Resolution of errors will be reported on a matrix with a narrative restating the problem, date completed, the problem identifier, and the resolution of the problem. Acknowledgement of the problem or incident will be made by the ACS EDI team by the next business day, and turn around on the resolution will be considered on a case by case basis. Notification will be made if the companion document updates will be needed.

How to Report a Problem
All problems and their resolution must be documented in writing. Email to the ACS EDI team at hi.ecstest@acs-inc.com is the preferred media. Trading partners must provide the ACS EDI team with a document containing the following:

  • Type of Transaction (837 Professional, 835, etc.).
  • A detailed explanation of the problem.
  • A date and time of when the problem occurred.
  • Contact name and phone number.
  • A batch or file identifier of where the input records can be found.
  • A listing of the exact input X12 records.
  • Any output records as a result from the problem.

The ACS EDI team will review the problem report, determine whether the problem has been reported previously, and log the problem into our Problem Ticket database. If the problem cannot be recreated or the ACS EDI team requires more information, the trading partner will receive a return email.


© Hawaii State Med-QUEST Division, 2003